Gospel Revival Evangelistic Ministries

Reaching the world with the word in the power of the Holy Spirit


Our mission as a church is to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world, Establishing the saved into responsible membership, nurturing them to Spiritual maturity and equipping them to Worship God and partake in the mission of God until Christ returns. Our mission as a church is in two folds, “Missio Humanitatis” which is our mission to humanity. This has to do with the church meeting the needs of people in our community and society. and “Missio Ecclesia” which is our mission to the Church of Christ. This has to do with us fulfilling and finishing the great commission until Christ returns.


We envisage a large gathering of Christians from all over the world, in all works of life, who are saved, spiritually matured, and have become like Christ, worshippers of God in spirit and in truth, steadfast in their faith and are fully involved in God’s missions.


I have called you into this following as my Remnant in these last days to use every resource I embedded you with to usher in the long-awaited revival that will prepare the entire world for my second coming. You shall achieve this by raising a prayer army to pray down Revival, Train and raise agents of Revival after my kind, that will maintain the revival and finally invade the world with the Gospel message till the ends of the earth. In a not shell, the ministry is to function on a threefold mandate:

Leadership Structure of GOREM International

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